Clare Wright

Clare Wright

Fall in Love with Healthy

I’ve enjoyed a lifetime love of all things healthy. I love how feelgood balanced health makes me feel. It’s that simple. And I can help you enjoy this too. 

Dog walks in nature, yoga, a good book or film, family and friends and a simple life are all things I love.

In my late teens, I discovered my love of personal development. A number of years later I immersed myself in the world of coaching and transformational change. I set up my coaching business twenty years ago helping clients with wellbeing and / or career (it likely won’t surprise you to hear how wellbeing affects work and vice versa). Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of clients to get restore and sustain their healthy weight and or health in a way that works for them. I love the transformation my clients enjoy when working with me and realising that it’s just the beginning.  

In 2019, afer enjoying yoga for many years, I complemented my services by doing a YTT200 yoga teacher training. I immediately began teaching and continue to teach group, private and online. My further yoga  teacher trainings include an advanced YTT300, Teaching Yoga for Beginners, Advanced Flexibility, Core and Arm Balances. 

I’ve helped clients to feel good in themselves, their bodies and their lives, to restore and maintain their healthy weight, enjoy a healthy relationship with food, overcome cravings, end emotional eating, (enjoy shopping for clothes again – they tell me they want this too!), manage stress, improve sleep and so much more.

Let’s do it for our daughters

Taking time for yourself and your own self-care sends out a strong message to all our daughters in the world, to others around you and to yourself that: you matter, you are important, you are worthy. As for beauty, we know that real beauty comes from the inside; you are beautiful regardless of any physical attributes.

Sadly many women fail to see their own beauty and think they will be beautiful when…  I encourage you to accept and love yourself now, uncomfortable as this may be initially.

Real freedom

Obsession with food or your weight can leave you trapped in an inner mental prison. Real freedom comes from the peace of being comfortable and happy in your own skin. I know the freedom that come from a strong healthy body and a strong healthy mind, and love to help others regain this freedom:

  • If others can enjoy physical and mental freedom, so too can you
  • If others can leave behind their life of inner struggle, restriction and denial, so too can you
  • If others can improve and maintain their body composition (fat- lean muscle ratio), so too can you. Strong is good!
  • If others can conquer their sugar cravings and free themselves from its powerful pull, so too can you
  • If others can transform their health to transform their lives, so too can you

Advanced Diploma Coaching | Master Practitioner NLP | Dip Hypnotherapy | Member British Institute Hypnotherapy & NLP | Yoga Teacher Training Jason Crandell YTT300 & YTT200 

If you like the sound of my approach and would like to chat more, just drop me a short message here and we’ll fix a time for a super friendly relaxed and comfortable chat (in full confidence of course). You are too important, and replacing your unhealthy lifestyle, poor health choices or restrictive, outdated weight loss mentality with feelgood balanced health is too important also.