Think Healthy Be Healthy is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all visitors and we strive to adhere to accessibility guidelines. We are always trying to improve our website. If you have any comments on our accessibility policy or suggestions about how to improve the site please email think healthy be healthy.
Please note that although we continue to test and modify our site for accessibility there may be links to pages developed by third parties that are not compliant with our standards.
The website has been developed in line with the Priority Levels 1 & 2 (WCAG 1 – AA) of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines, part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We strive to maintain accessibility standards by employing best practice techniques and also observing the latest WCAG2 guidelines, where possible. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Conforming to these guidelines makes the internet a more user-friendly place for all web users.
We employ all the following methods to ensure our site is accessible to as many people as possible: