Love yoga or love the idea of trying it?

Try out a free trial of my Own Your Yoga here.

Do you love the convenience of doing yoga from the comfort of your own home? Do you love to do yoga when you want, for as long as you want and without unnecessary travel time? Do you also like the idea of a balanced mix of yoga with the emphasis on progression over time rather than random classes. If so, my Online Own Your Yoga is for you and includes:

  • A balanced mix of yoga classes: more active Ashtanga, core focused Strength & Stretch and more leisurely Gentle Yoga with deeper, prolonged stretches of Yin Yoga. 
  • Themed yoga classes ranging for example from Yoga for Lower Back Pain to Desk Yoga and Yoga for Sleep to Yoga for Low Energy. 
  • A special emphasis on dynamic stretching; building strength whilst stretching to reduce risk of injury whilst strengthening typically weak muscles groups from our modern lifestyle.  
  • Breathing and mini meditations (including guided meditations) for promote inner calm.
  • Easy-to-fit-in 30 minute yoga classes with the emphasis on progression over time. 

Who is this for: All levels from complete beginner to seasoned yogi. 

Cost: £15 a month 

How: Sign up to my online Own Your Yoga here.